Thursday, July 31, 2008

Cramer calls market bottom? Write this date down for future reference

"Yes the market has bottomed". If you thought you heard Cramer call a bottom during Tuesday’s Mad Money, you were right. “It smells to me like something, in fact many things,” he said, “have at last changed for the better.” “I am indeed sticking my neck out right here, right now,” Cramer continued, “declaring emphatically that I believe the market will not revisit the panicked lows it hit on July 15".... (

Read entire story


Unknown said...

“Bye, bye bear market,” he said. “Say hello to the bull and don’t let the door hit you on the way out.”

There will be no bull market until the door hits Cramer's ass on the way out. BOOOOOOOOOYAAAAAAA.

Nice site JAM Man!

Frank G Jolley,CFA said...

I say we get Paulson and the boys to get rid of Cramer, Maria B, Pisante and the whole Bubblevision crew. That would be the sign of a true bottom.

Frank G Jolley,CFA said...

How long will it take Jim to try to weasel out of the bullish rant from yesterday? Anyone, Bueller?

Unknown said...

He knows nothing! Nothing! Nice lemons Erin.

Unknown said...

He knows nothing! Nothing! Nice lemons Erin.

Frank G Jolley,CFA said...

Down approx 265 since the Cramer bull mkt call