Thursday, July 16, 2009

First Pacific Advisors' Robert Rodriguez

Consuelo Mack interviews one of the best in the business.


This week on WealthTrack's "Great Investors" series: he races Porsches for fun and runs top performing stock and bond funds for his profession. What makes First Pacific Advisors' Robert Rodriguez step on the investment brakes or the accelerator? That's next on Consuelo Mack WealthTrack.
Hello and welcome to this "Great Investors" edition of WealthTrack. I'm Consuelo Mack. This week our great investor is Robert Rodriguez, a maverick money manager who has accomplished a feat no one else has. For the last 25 years, he has run not one but two top performing mutual funds, in not one but two asset classes, a stock fund and a bond fund. As widely followed personal finance columnist Jason Zweig put it, that is the investing equivalent of running two marathons at the same time, which is why Zweig calls him the best fund manager of our time.

Read the transcript here

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