Saturday, August 23, 2008

Buffett Suggests Edwards Supporters File Class Action Suit

( In an interview on CNBC's "Squawk Box," billionaire Warren Buffett suggested that donors to the John Edwards for President Campaign might consider filing a class action lawsuit. "I think if I had given him money I'd probably be asking him for it back now" quipped the investor icon in a half serious, half joking manner. "I think if I were Edwards I might give up a haircut or two and return some of the money....if they (donors of the smaller amounts) had known the facts they wouldn't have sent him the money."

Buffett's main problem with Edwards was the fact that he continued to solicit contributions long after he knew the story of the affair would eventually prevent any chance of him occupying the Oval Office. "Edwards was essentially soliticing money from people to further his ambitions to become President," said the billionaire. "He knew that in effect he wouldn't be elected president....he knew the story was out there. It might be kind of interesting if some contributor would bring a class action suit on behalf of people who were led to send money to a man under false pretenses."

Read entire story

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